Early Years Foundation Stage

At Great Moor Infant School, we believe that the early foundations of education are crucial to all that follows in the lives of children in today’s world.

Our EYFS Curriculum provides a strong basis for all children to develop as inquisitive lifelong learners. We foster a passion for reading and stories whilst enabling the children to be creative risk takers, healthy and happy.

Our vision is for all children to reach their full potential through effective pedagogy, positive and purposeful relationships and nurturing environments. We recognise the importance of parental partnerships between home and school.

Children with particular needs, including SEND, are identified early and supported appropriately enabling them to succeed and make the right start to their school life.

We celebrate and welcome differences amongst individuals, our community and the world, highlighted through our school values.

Experiences & Opportunities

  • When I Grow Up Day
  • Senses Test
  • Visit from local Superheroes
  • Post a letter to Santa
  • St Georges Church
  • Christmas Party
  • Class Assemblies
  • Seasonal Festivals
  • Plant their own seeds and watch them grow
  • Make a healthy soup
  • Create our own musical instrument
  • Pirate Day
  • Lifecycle of a butterfly
  • Visit from a Farm

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Great Moor Infant School Southwood Rd, Stockport, SK2 7DG